Scientific Director, and Head of Andrology Unit, Next Fertility Procrea, (2019-today)
- Scientific Director, Andrology and IVF Department, San Carlo Clinic, Paderno Dugnano / Milan (Italy) (2016-2021).
- Head of the Andro-Urology and IVF Department, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan (Italy) (2000-2013).
- Head of the Andrology Unit, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan (Italy) (1994-2000).
- Head of Uro-Andrological Surgery Department, Valduce Hospital, Como (Italy) (1988-1994).
- Member of the Committee for the Guidelines on OligoAsthenoTeratozoospermia of the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) (2016-2022).
- Member of the Health Care Office for the Guidelines on Male Infertility of the European Association of Urology (EAU) (2000-2008).
- Author of 158 Papers in International or non-Italian Journals or International Scientific Books (141 indexed on PubMed), and more than 200 Papers in Italian Journals or Books.
- Author of more than 200 Invited Lectures or Oral Presentations at International Congresses and more than 350 Invited Lectures or Oral Presentations at Italian Congresses.
- Organizer or Co-Organizer of more than 45 Scientific Congresses, 10 of them International.
- Editor-in-Chief of Reproductive Medicine & Andrology Section of The Journal of Clinical Medicine
- Member of the Editorial Board of Andrologia and of International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
- Reviewer for some International Journals: Andrology; Human Reproduction Update; Journal of Endocrinological Investigation; Journal of Urology and Nephrology; etc.