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Next Fertility ProCrea

Dr. Giovanni M. Colpi

Arzt / Ärztlicher Direktor / Androloge
  • Scientific Director, and Head of the Andrology Service, ProCrea Swiss Fertility Center, Lugano (Switzerland).
  • Full Academician of the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) (since 2000)
  • Specialist in Urology, in Andrology and in Endocrinology.
  • Former Head of the Andro-Urology and IVF Department, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan (Italy).
  • Member of the Committee for the Guidelines on OligoAsthenoTeratozoospermia of the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) (2016-today).
  • Former Member of the Health Care Office for the Guidelines on Male Infertility of the European Association of Urology (EAU) (2000-2008).
  • Former Visiting Professor in the Universities of Milan, Pavia and L’Aquila, and Invited Lecturer on Andrology in many other Universities (Milan, Varese, Florence, Strasbourg, Pisa, Brescia).
  • Member of International and Italian Scientific Societies.
  • Editor of 3 International and 10 Italian Books on Andrology and Assisted Reproduction.
  • Author of 136 Papers in International or non-Italian Journals or International Scientific Books (107 indexed on PubMed), and more than 200 Papers in Italian Journals or Books.
  • Author of more than 150 Invited Lectures or Oral Presentations at International Congresses and more than 300 Invited Lectures or Oral Presentations at Italian Congresses.
  • Organizer or Co-Organizer of more than 45 Scientific Congresses, 9 of them International.
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Andrologia and of International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
  • Reviewer for some International Journals
    – Andrology
    – Human Reproduction Update
    – Journal of Endocrinological Investigation
    – Journal of Urology and Nephrology
    – et al.

Scientific Director, and Head of Andrology Unit, Next Fertility Procrea, (2019-today)

  • Scientific Director, Andrology and IVF Department, San Carlo Clinic, Paderno Dugnano / Milan (Italy) (2016-2021).
  • Head of the Andro-Urology and IVF Department, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan (Italy) (2000-2013).
  • Head of the Andrology Unit, San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan (Italy) (1994-2000).
  • Head of Uro-Andrological Surgery Department, Valduce Hospital, Como (Italy) (1988-1994).
  • Member of the Committee for the Guidelines on OligoAsthenoTeratozoospermia of the European Academy of Andrology (EAA) (2016-2022).
  • Member of the Health Care Office for the Guidelines on Male Infertility of the European Association of Urology (EAU) (2000-2008).
  • Author of 158 Papers in International or non-Italian Journals or International Scientific Books (141 indexed on PubMed), and more than 200 Papers in Italian Journals or Books.
  • Author of more than 200 Invited Lectures or Oral Presentations at International Congresses and more than 350 Invited Lectures or Oral Presentations at Italian Congresses.
  • Organizer or Co-Organizer of more than 45 Scientific Congresses, 10 of them International.
  • Editor-in-Chief of Reproductive Medicine & Andrology Section of The Journal of Clinical Medicine
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Andrologia and of International Journal of Fertility and Sterility
  • Reviewer for some International Journals: Andrology; Human Reproduction Update; Journal of Endocrinological Investigation; Journal of Urology and Nephrology; etc.

Other Biographical Data

  • Founder of the first Semen Bank in Italy for oncological patients (1983) and first in studying sexological and reproductive problems in Spinal Cord Injured men (1981) in Italy, and the first in the Literature to use sonography applied to male infertility diagnosis (see: a chapter in international book in 1983-85), he is a well-known expert in Uro-Andrology, especially for complex cases of male infertility.
  • An expert in seminal tract and testis microsurgery (more than 1300 MicroTese performed, many dozens of microsurgical excisions of testis incidentalomas, dozens of microsurgical recanalizations of the seminal tracts, etc.), for about two decades he was the Head of Uro-Andrology and IVF Unit in San Paolo Hospital, University of Milan, one the most comprehensive Andrological Units, including an IVF section mainly devoted to the severe cases of male infertility.
  • He described and applied new surgical techniques in Andrology, some of them only historical (artificial spermatocele, seminal tract washout), other innovative and still in progress for their safety (for congenital penile curvature, for obstructive azoospermia due to Müllerian cyst, for varicocele).
  • Consultant of European Medicines Agency in 2008.