Since 1999 we have always believed in the integrated use of advanced technologies combined with the professionalism of our embryologists to guarantee the couple the best outcome of treatments and it still remains one of our strong points today. In 2020 our Embryology laboratory achieved the ISO15189 quality certification (accredited ISO15189:2012 SMTS 0048 as Medical Laboratory for Seminology and Reproductive Biology Analyses), becoming one of the first accredited IVF laboratories in Switzerland; the ISO 15189 standard is considered, at an international level, the reference standard for the quality system of medical laboratories.
And for a greater level of safety and transparency towards our patients, since 2022 our laboratory has been equipped with the RI-WITNESS® security system and with the Embryoscope® “Time Lapse” incubator, giving couples the possibility of receiving the transfer embryonic USB stick with the video of the development of your embryos.
In couple infertility, male causes are important, previous situations and inflammation represent some of the most important obstacles.
Prof. Colpi, scientific director and director of the Clinical Andrology Service of Next Fertility ProCrea, together with biologists specialized in the diagnosis and treatment of pathologies that affect humans and affect reproductive capabilities, actively operate in the medically assisted reproduction center.
The Seminology Laboratory located on the third floor of the Clinic is dedicated to andrology, a branch of medicine that concerns male health, in particular the health of the urogenital and reproductive system of men, which deals with the treatment of specific pathologies that can appear throughout a man’s life and can interfere with his fertility.
Analyzes are carried out on the seminal fluid and specialists sometimes intervene in the process of assisted procreation with andrological surgeries. Furthermore, our laboratory is authorized for “Cryopreservation and sperm banking”.
The spermatozoa are stored in liquid nitrogen at temperatures below -196°C: in these conditions the sperm cells preserve their chances of survival and their functionality. Cryopreservation is indicated in patients with severe oligospermia, i.e. with a very small number of spermatozoa, and in azoospermic patients in the ejaculate for whom spermatozoa are collected directly from the seminal tract with microsurgical techniques such as MESA, TESE and MicroTESE.
In cases of male sterility, hereditary and infectious pathologies or repeated IVF/ICSI failures, Next Fertility ProCrea has a qualified sperm bank with units of cryopreserved seminal fluid coming from selected donors. The sperm bank can be used to perform heterologous intrauterine insemination or heterologous in vitro fertilization, with techniques identical to the homologous ones. To use the Next Fertility ProCrea sperm bank, Swiss federal law requires marriage.