Preserving male fertility
At Next Fertility ProCrea we have the option of cryopreserving male sperm as well: preserving fertility is increasingly necessary.

What is vitrification?
The sperm is stored in liquid nitrogen at temperatures below -196 °C: under these conditions the sperm cells preserve their chances of survival and their functionality.
According to Swiss federal law, the maximum period of cryopreservation is 5 years, with the possibility of requesting an extension. On average, 40% of thawed sperm are viable, which guarantees results of MAR techniques similar to those obtained with freshly ejaculated sperm.

In which cases is it indicated?
Freezing of seminal liquid is recommended in the following circumstances:
- For patients with severe oligospermia (very low sperm count) and in azoospermic patients (absence of sperm in the ejaculate), for whom sperm are collected directly from the seminal tract using microsurgical techniques such as TESE and MicroTESE
- Before receiving radio or chemotherapy treatment for cancer, as these types of therapies can negatively affect the quality and motility of sperm
- For psychological reasons of the patient, obviating the difficulties of collection on the day of intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization
- In cases of male infertility, hereditary and infectious disease or repeated IVFET/ICSI failures, Next Fertility ProCrea has a qualified sperm bank with cryopreserved seminal liquid from selected donors.