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Your family


The desire to be a mother knows no barriers, and luckily, it no longer knows social impositions. Alone or accompanied, your life and his are your choice. We only help you get it.

In Next Fertility we offer different treatment options so that women who wish it can be mothers without having to have a partner.

I wanted to be a mom more than anything in the world and I decided to go on this solo adventure.
Being a single mother became a fight that, together with Next Fertility and their great team, ended up being a great family for me, and we won. My daughter is two years old today and she is the best thing that life has given me. Thank you for giving me everything.
After two quite difficult couple relationships, I decided to be a mother by myself.
That struggle lasted five long years. Luckily, NEXT FERTILITY was recommended. From day one, I was lucky to be a patient of Doctor Quintero. It is very important that your doctor is a good professional and with him I was very lucky. After several attempts, and when I was about to throw in the towel, I became pregnant. I couldn’t believe it. My best gift for Christmas, my pregnancy, my son, came true. During my pregnancy Doctor Santana attended me. He is also a great professional. If I was able to get pregnant, you can too. I wish you luck, never give up. When you least expect it, it comes. When you least expect it, it comes.


They are different techniques which will vary depending on each case. However, women wishing to become lone mothers did not often have any fertility problems and, as a result, insemination was often recommended. However, when there is evidence of a pathology that makes pregnancy difficult, in vitro fertilization (IVF) is used.

No. Gamete donation in Spain is anonymous. And Law 14/2006 that regulates assisted reproduction guarantees the confidentiality of their identity.

We will choose the donor that most matches your phenotypic characteristics, that is, your blood type, skin type, eye color, color and hair type, weight, height…

Sperm donors are between 18 and 40 years old and must comply with strict medical, genetic and psychological requirements.
We carry out an exhaustive medical history, reproductive history (if you have children, pregnancies or abortions in your partners), occupation, life habits… to find out as much information as possible about the future donor.

No, the requirements in this case are identical to those for any other fertility treatment. In Spain, there is no explicit restriction on the use of assisted reproduction techniques in private healthcare. The law which regulates this activity does not contemplate it. However, medical professionals have placed this limit in a consensual way to 50 years of age.

Why is such a limitation necessary? because age is a fundamental factor in the reproductive process and can involve complications in both the mother and the future baby. On this point, the law is explicit in stating that “assisted reproduction techniques shall be carried out only when there is a reasonable chance of success and do not pose a serious risk to the physical or mental health of women”.

At Next Fertility we do not have a waiting list to start any of the treatments we perform in our centres, and we commit ourselves to perform the treatment on the date chosen by the patients.

In assisted reproduction treatments, the transfer of a single embryo is usually recommended to minimize the risk of multiple pregnancy, since multiple pregnancies are risky pregnancies, but even transferring a single embryo to the uterus, A twin pregnancy may occur, just as it may occur in a spontaneous pregnancy.

No, in Spain, as in the rest of Europe, the free selection of sex is not allowed by law; although it is true that there are techniques such as PGD (Pre-implantation Genetic Test) that allow to know if the embryos in culture are male or female. However, although the choice is not allowed, there are some exceptions, in cases whose purpose is only to prevent the transmission of genetic diseases associated with sexual chromosomes. These exceptions are regulated in the Human Assisted Reproduction Act 14/2006, which also states that sex selection or genetic manipulation for non-therapeutic or unauthorized purposes is a very serious offence.

No, children born by these techniques have the same risks as other.

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prezzi inseminazione intrauterina ovodonazione fivet icsi


A team of over 40 professionals, accompanying patients to a new life for over 20 years.

Do you have more questions? We will be delighted to assist you.​

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