The ProCrea Next Fertility Centre has resumed its provision of a series of meetings to introduce and support new couples hoping to have a child. In compliance with anti-COVID-19 regulations, in addition to the opportunity to visit the clinic in person, couples will also be able to follow the free online meetings.
A maximum of 10 couples per meeting will be able to participate in person at the Centre, after free registration, by sending the personal green pass that will be checked at the entrance of the clinic. Those who prefer to participate ONLINE will still be able to follow the meeting remotely and visit the clinic virtually. The series of meetings will run until May 2022.
Our clinic has always strongly believed in dialogue with its patients and wants to be as supportive as possible to couples facing infertility problems. For years, Next Fertility ProCrea has been organizing “Open Doors” events, a program of free meetings during which specialists answer questions from those who want to find out more about issues related to difficulties in conceiving.
Meetings will be held monthly on Saturday afternoons from 2.00 pm to 4.30 pm.
Among the topics tackled, we will discuss: what is meant by infertility, the biology of reproduction, medically assisted procreation techniques, the latest updates in the diagnostic field, what therapies and treatments are available at the Centre.
“Open Doors” is just what it says: an opportunity to meet the Centre’s specialists.
Doctors, biologists, and geneticists will be available to explain, listen, and direct couples who wish to become parents.
This is the calendar of upcoming events, up to spring 2022:
2021: 16 October, 20 November, 18 December
2022: 22 January, 19 February, 26 March, 23 April, 28 May
At the end of the meeting there will be a chance to ask questions directly to the specialists and those present in the clinic can visit the Centre.
Participation in the “Open Doors” meetings is free and open to everyone, after registration at the secretariat: tel. +41.91.924.55.55 or from Italy +39.02.600.63.041 – e-mail: – (indicating in the subject line the date of interest)
To attend the meeting online, please provide your e-mail address so we can send you the link to the call via Zoom (if you have not yet used the platform you can download it Once you have downloaded the application, on the day of the event you will be able to connect directly to the meeting by clicking on the link you received via e-mail.